Wednesday, September 23, 2009

CCOO membership

As a teacher at Bonanova you can always ask a member of comite to help with your problems and tricky situations...what doesn't come with a BC contract though is being a member of a Spanish union.
In Spain there are 3 big unions,CCOO, UGT and USOC click to find out more each one:



and USOC.

The reps at Bonanova are all affiliated with CCOO, sometimes affectionately known as Cocos... This is because, we believe it has the biggest and best representation of English language teaching staff out of The Big 3. CCOO even has an English speaking representative from our sector, Steve Rumbold who runs the Grup d'idiomes, a group which deals with all issues involved in our working lives. You can find them here:

Escoles d' idiomes

You may ask yourself, what's in it for me?

At Bonanova we can help you with Bonanova issues but not any questions or issues that arise in anyother outside work situations...we are all part time, we all work elsewhere, you may need help in other situations. The CCOO provides
  • Advice from Steve Rumbol.
  • Free legal advice.
  • A lawyer for emergency situations
Apart from that there is a goody bag of other delights that just may help your working life in Spain run more smoothly and just a little bit more stress free...
  • A discount on the cost of submitting your taxes, "declaration de la renta"
  • Discounts on dental treatment
  • Dscounts on Hotels thoughout Cataluñya and Spain itself
  • Discounts on insurance coverage
  • And many many more....

As a part time worker at the British council the good news is you get part time rates for bargain membership at 6.50 a month

How do I join?

You can take an application form from the union board in the staff room or you can join on line here